An effective bicycle for expedition and all people who feel at ease on sealed roads and who like to be fast and agile. This version takes you from town to town, county to country and even to the furthermost region in the world. Comfortable, smooth running, fast and agile – that’s just my cup of tea.
I individually configured an ordered this bicycle at VeloPlus. One of the best thing about it is no need to oil the chain an to get dirty fingers. Gates Carbon drive and Pinion gearbox mean to spend no time for maintenance work.
Even entire painted in blak it’s absolutely my piece of gold.
Ortlieb panniers with rolltop on front- and back wheels and a bag mounted at the handlebar. Totally 112 liters waterproof storage space for almost everything.
Exped Torrent 30
Daypack for additional storage space, water bag and – of course – for day trips i’ll make without my bicycle.
Saddle bag for repair kits and further tools
Roll bag for extended tools
During the last travels i never had big problems with my bicycle or didn’t have the right tools along. But this time i won’t do some experiments and take some extra screw drivers, wrenches and pliers along.